Jun 30, 2012

There is no such thing as a Calvinist.

    Seriously.  In all probability what you think of when you hear the word Calvinist does not actually exist.   Right now there is a bit of a fuss in the SBC over Calvinism.  But judging from the abundant number of blogs which attempt to debunk Calvinism, one thing has become very clear.  They don't know what an actual Calvinist is.  Now I know of the few who actually care to read this blog most probably will neither know of this controversy or care, but I want to post this regardless.  Here are five affirmations that Calvinists affirm that you might not be aware of.

1.  The gospel is a sincere offer to be extended to every living soul.  And we are commanded to preach it to every living soul.

2.  All who receive Christ through faith and repentance will be saved without a single exception.

3.  Nobody will be saved apart from this receiving Christ through faith and repentance.

4.  Every man who hears the gospel must make a real choice for which they will be held accountable.

5.  God does no violence to the wills of mankind in his sovereign working.  In other words He works in such a way that mankind is in fact free to choose whatever that person wants.

These are things that every Calvinist that I have ever heard express their thoughts has ALWAYS affirmed.  Both now and throughout history.

Now you may say that you can not conceive how a person could confirm these things and the TULIP at the same time.  Fine, then charge the Calvinists with inconsistent thinking.  But the fact is, they do affirm both at the same time.

What is not right is when we put words in the Calvinists' mouths and charge them with teaching things which they completely deny.  That is not only unfair, ungracious, and not a calvinist, but it is also a sin against the commandment to "not bear false witness" against your neighbor.

So why do I say that there is no such thing as a calvinist?  Because for the vast majority of those who slander calvinist thinking, they are slandering something that is a creation of their own mind.  There is no person who holds to the views which they are attempting to refute.  There is nobody denying the universal offer of the gospel.  There is nobody denying that each man must make a real accountable decision which is truely their decision.  Those who call themselves calvinists certainly don't.  It is a strawman that they have created themselves, assigned many heretical teachings to, and then tore down.  They burn down their own straw man with a thousand scripture declaring that the gospel is to go to all mankind.  And all the while the true calvinist is sitting there saying, "Amen!"

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